Finance and Economics

China Shadow Banking, 2020. 

Derived from a diagram of the nonbank financial system in China.


Unemployment 2.0, 2017

Vibrachrome Metal Print

Inspired by a heat map of monthly changes in the US unemployment rate over a 40 year period (red/gold color way)


Unemployment 1.0, 2016

Vibrachrome Metal Print

Inspired by a heat map of monthly changes in the US unemployment rate over a 40 year period (blue/red color way)

Climbing The Ladder 2020

Derived from a chart ranking countries by share of global GDP, by year.


Sovereign Defaults, 2016

Vibrachrome Metal Print

Inspired by an analysis of external sovereign defaults per year of selected countries, since 1800


Sales Opportunities, 2015

Vibrachrome Metal Print

Inspired by an advertisement for customer relationship management software used for tracking sales opportunities

Taxpayer Roadmap, 2020

Based on a flow chart illustrating the process of filing individual tax returns in the US, including preparation, processing, audits, appeals, collection, and litigation.


Shadow Banking, 2016

Vibrachrome Metal Print

Inspired by a Federal Reserve System diagram of funding and securitization flows within the nonbank financial system